dr. Stevan Rudinac
Associate Professor
Artificial Intelligence for Business
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Economics and Business
Amsterdam Business School
Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Office: M4.01
Phone: +31 (0)20 525 5254
E-mail: s(dot)rudinac(at)uva(dot)nl
Recent teaching activities
At the University of Amsterdam I have been teaching the following courses:
- Lecturer and coordinator: MBA Big Data course Deep Learning, starting from 2021
- Lecturer and coordinator: MBA Big Data course Machine Learning, 2018 - present
- Lecturer and coordinator: Minor Data Science course Machine Learning, 2017 - present
- Lecturer and coordinator: Minor Data Science course Algorithms and Data Structures in Python, 2017 - present
- Lecturer: BSc Informatiekunde course Informatievisualisatie (Dutch), 2014 - 2017
The courses that I am currently coordinating and teaching can be found in UvA's course catalogue.
In addition, I am frequent guest lecturer in several other UvA courses. Since 2013 I have supervised ±35 Master's theses in different study programmes, such as MSc Artificial Intelligence,
MSc Information Studies and MBA Big Data & Business Analytics